I try to find beauty not through aesthetics, but through investigation. As a curious person I strive to learn and discover by constantly questioning the world around me. I am driven by our perception of day to day things, concepts, actions and activities. I search for truth in the miniscule, the inconsequential. I reject the conventions of our cultural assumptions and reanalyse the mundane to show them in a new light to alter the way others will view the world. I want to make others thoughtful and curious.
This forms the basis for my practice. My methods are ever changing, I use both material and immaterial processes to convey my ideas. Many digital process are essential to my work. I often design digitally, 3D Print, render, or animate as well as use more traditional skills such as mould making, woodwork or ceramics. This multi-materiality is key in my work as it enables me to have a greater impact. I am able to approach concepts through the differing lenses of various materials and evaluate each piece to create it in the most fitting way. I have a strong eye for detail and form which enables me to thoroughly design my work and capture my intentions accurately
As the varying avenues of inquiry inspire diverse outcomes, my work has a large variety. Although my pieces might not always share physical, aesthetic or material qualities, they are all manifestations of my thought processes, united not by what they look or feel like, but what they say. My work is an intervention. A digital impossibility made physical, a reorientation of unconsidered perspectives.